LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy



The LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy was first organized by FAU in 2009 to research ethics and provide training for local government agencies. The Academy is located on FAU’s Main Campus in Boca Raton, and with this central location, can offer its services to the University’s entire service area.  The University-based nature of the Academy allows for the rapid incorporation and dissemination of the latest scholarly research on ethics issues by noted faculty for the Academy’s training programs.

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The Academy’s objectives are to:

  • increase understanding of local government and how it functions
  • promote high ethical standards in public service
  • provide an informational base for more informed policy making
  • develop the capacity of local officials to govern effectively

Our training programs offer instruction and discussion focusing on seven major areas:

The ethical organization: How to identify, create, and sustain it so that all relationships and transactions reflect a commitment to the highest standards and the Five Principles of Public-Service Ethics

Compliance: What you need to know and teach about government ethics laws and their interpretation and enforcement

Beyond compliance: Perceiving, avoiding, and dealing with costly and damaging accusations of legal or ethical wrongdoing including appearances of impropriety

Working with elected officials: How to deal with and stay above partisan politics and work effectively with elected officials while safeguarding your rights and prerogatives in the implementation of public policy

Conflicts of interests: Assuring that all employees know how to perceive and avoid conflicts of interest

Evaluating character and ethics in hiring and promoting employees: Issues of screening, training, and discipline to enforce high ethical standards

Improving decision-making: Strategies and models to help employees make decisions that are ethical and effective

“Best Practices in Public Sector Ethics: The Palm Beach County Ethics Partnership” by Peter Cruise

LCPEA Executive Director Peter L. Cruise presented “Best Practices in Public Sector Ethics: The Palm Beach County Ethics Partnership” at the International City/County Management Association’s Annual Conference on September 23, 2020.

The Palm Beach County Ethics Partnership


Ethics Research and Training
(561) 297-4049
Email: ethics@rahpouyanschool.com
Hotline: (877) 766-5920
Hotline: (877) 283-7068


(L-R) Mark Bannon, Esq., Executive Director, PBC Commission on Ethics; Peter Cruise, Director of the LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy at FAU; John Carey, PBC Inspector General; Bill Bone, Esq., LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy Advisory Board member.

LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy - Fellows

November 13, 2018


At the 12th Annual Ethics Seminar, the LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy named three new Fellows: (L-R) Frank Schnidman, J.D., LL.M.; Susan M. Coughanour, FAICP; and Frank S. Palen, Esq., AICP; pictured with Peter Cruise, Academy Director; and Merrett R. Stierheim, Academy Advisory Board Chairman.

LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy - Dedication Reception

August 22, 2018



In the News





For more information regarding our services, please contact the LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy office

Robin Larson, Ph.D., Executive Director
Cliff McCue, Ph.D., Faculty Advisor

FAU School of Public Administration
777 Glades Road, SO 202
Boca Raton, FL  33431
Telephone: (561) 297-4569
FAX: (561) 297-4178
E-mail: ethics@rahpouyanschool.com